Life Principle Conferences in Kampala & Baale, Uganda
1st Life Principles Conference held at Christian Heritage Church in Kampala, Uganda in March 2019. We were blessed to have Pastor Mathias Sserugo join us to help teach Life Principles to 47 pastors. Many of the pastors shared with us how valuable the training has been to their personal lives as well as their ministries. Many said they've never had this type of training before and it is just what they have been needing. They are so grateful to In Touch Ministries for making this training and the materials possible. God has been faithful through it all! Despite the fact Bill Loveless is needing a hip replacement, it didn't bother him at all while training. Had a brief hiccup this morning when our driver was 40 minutes late due to traffic, but we still finished on time and have made it back to the hotel safely! To God be the glory!!!
2nd Life Principles Conference in Baale, Uganda. God has been so faithful throughout this entire trip, but His provision and protection was so evident our last day of training! We left Jinja at 6:45 am for the long bumpy dirt road journey to Baale. We had a great day of training and began the journey back to Jinja around 4:45 pm. After about 45 minutes of bumping down the dirt road the van started making a funny sound - not good out in the middle of no where! We stopped to investigate, didn’t see anything so began again. The noise became much worse, so again we stopped. Pastor Mathias crawled under the van to discover the axle was broken - but praise the Lord not in two. We were about 10 kilometers from Kayunga - the closest town! We prayed and ask the Lord to help us make it there for we had no other options! We got back in the van putting all our weight on the right side to hopefully relieve the stress at the break and slowly began to drive. We asked the Lord to get us to Kayunga and He did! We were able to negotiate with a matatu to take us back to Jinja and Pastor Mathias was able to find a mechanic to weld the broken axle. He was able to drive the van back to Jinja and his mechanic will be able to get another axle and fix the van. God’s sovereignty rules over all and He is always with us through any adversity we face!