Go Ministries is collecting items to make "Clean Birthing Kits" to take on mission to Africa
![]() Every minute a women dies of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth – in Africa 1 in 13 women die. For every woman who dies, another 30 incur injuries and infections, which are often preventable. Infection following delivery remains a leading cause of death among both mothers and newborns. This risk can be mitigated. Infection rates have been proven to decrease if women are given access to the most basic elements of medical sanitation while birthing: soap, a clean blade & length of string to cut & tie the umbilical cord, gloves, sterile gauze, and a clean plastic sheet/pad on which to deliver. In some places, even when delivering in the hospital the mother must bring her own supplies for delivery. Items needed include:
Thank you for your willingness to help the women of Africa, may God bless your generosity. If you have any questions call Tammy Loveless @ 770-548-1369 or e-mail [email protected]. Checks can be made payable to Go Ministries, Inc. 221 Switch Road, Calhoun, GA 30701. Go Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization to which contributions are tax deductible. For more information about Go Ministries, please visit www.goministriesinc.com. |